Pregnant? Take the Pregnancy Clarity Quiz
The Types
The Leader
The Achiever
The Survivor
The Planner
The Protector
The Adventurer

The Adventurer

Flexible, up-beat, and fearless, making the most of the present

Opportunistic and high energy, always ready for the next great adventure.
Core Concerns
Loss of freedom, Loss of self

Find your type

Learn about how an unexpected pregnancy might affect you.

Qualities & Strengths
The ADVENTURER is a total free spirit. Independent and high energy, you are passionate about building a portfolio of experiences and shaping an identity that is all your own.

ADVENTURERS are spontaneous, fun-loving, and fearless individuals with a talent for creating memorable experiences. Where others value routine and security, you value freedom and individuality. You feel the most alive when trying new things, absorbing new ideas, and meeting new people.

Your friends find your passion for life refreshing and inspiring, and often look to you to lead the way to the next great adventure. Wherever you go, you bring people together.

Of all the Clarity Types, ADVENTURERS are the most flexible and present-focused. When an opportunity presents itself, it doesn’t take you long to dive in and make the most of the moment.
“The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”
—Eleanor Roosevelt
Pregnancy Concerns
ADVENTURERS tend to be most concerned with how a pregnancy might impact their lifestyle, identity, and community. As an ADVENTURER, you value your freedom and may feel compelled to preserve your fast-paced lifestyle as long as you can. Perhaps you’ve watched friends step into more responsibility and gradually disappear from your active community. You’ve never been one to fit the mold, but even so, you can’t ignore the pattern.

Pregnancy may also feel like a threat to your individuality and identity. As an ADVENTURER, you deeply value being your own person and pursuing your passions. Traditional pathways like motherhood tend to make you feel boxed in or limited by a label you may not actually identify with. Your friends tell you, “This isn’t you,” and you fear losing a part of yourself.

ADVENTURERS may also fear the loss of their community. As an ADVENTURER, you tend to be a part of friend groups defined by shared interests and similar lifestyles. Your friends are generally untethered to traditional priorities and are able to jump from one adventure to the next. How might this pregnancy impact these friendships? Will your community stick around if you stop showing up?
“If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try.”
—Seth Godin
With your strengths and concerns in mind, here are some suggestions designed to bring self-awareness, confidence, and clarity to the ADVENTURER. What makes ADVENTURERS extraordinary is their ability to enjoy life and make the most of every opportunity. Unexpected pregnancy is like any unforeseen obstacle on the adventure of life. It may impact your identity and lifestyle, but keep in mind, you are a master adapter. With intention and creativity, you will always find a way to fill your chosen path with excitement and purpose.

Some ADVENTURERS have a tendency to rush decision making. Challenge yourself to slow down and give yourself the space you need to process this decision. Allow this pregnancy to bring what matters most to you into sharp focus.

Your free-spirited community may also put you at a heightened risk for isolation or a lack of meaningful support. Healthy ADVENTURERS value their individuality, but they also welcome the perspective of loved ones who care about them and have stood by them through the good and the bad.

As an ADVENTURER, you were built to pioneer new paths and push the boundaries of what’s possible. Continue to enjoy life and embrace every season it brings, knowing that some of the best things in life are unexpected.
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”
—Winston Churchill
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